If you’re wondering who you should be playing with Kalista, here are the five best supports to pair up with her in LoL season 13.
The best supports to play with Kalista in LoL
When it comes to mechanically difficult marksmen, Kalista is probably one of the ones that come to mind. She has a rather unique kit, fully revolved around her passive which turns her into a kiting machine. That being said, she requires a high level of proficiency and not many have that.
Paired with the fact that she cannot be buffed or she would be too oppressive in professional play, Kalista has always been in a weird spot among the ADC pool. While she’s in a balanced state currently, she needs to have specific supports to draw out the maximum potential.
To help you out, we’ve created a list of the best supports to play alongside Kalista. They are guaranteed to work, and we’re going to explain what makes them strong together. Make also sure to check out all the other best supports list, so you know which are the right pairings for all the ADC you play or main.
Thresh – the no. 1 support for Kalista
Based on the current meta, as well as the synergy between the different champions, Thresh is the best support to pair up with Kalista. He has all the tools that Kalista wants in a support: crowd control, engage, disengage, repositioning, and good 2v2.
Thresh’s crowd controls with his hook and Flay (E) make sure the enemies cannot run away, giving Kalista enough space to kite and apply all her Rend (E) stacks during the trades. Moreover, Kalista can use her ultimate to reposition Thresh to wherever she wants. It can be used to initiate an engage or bring him to safety from a dangerous position. Regardless of what they do, this duo is set up for success.
Generally speaking, all lanes involving Kalista require great coordination. That said, Thresh requires even more coordination since the best plays are based on fast and reactive execution: both champions need to be highly proficient and know each other’s limits if you want to demolish the enemies.
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Nautilus – The best Thresh alternative
If Thresh is taken by the enemy team or banned, then Nautilus is the second-best choice you have with Kalista. He and Thresh have similar functions, even though Nautilus is much more aggressive and reliable when it comes to hard engage. He’s also relatively easier to play mechanically, which is better for new players and beginners.
Nautilus offers good engage on his own, but Kalista’s ultimate enhances that to new heights. By drawing him with Fate’s Call (R), Nautilus can dash towards the enemies and get an instant gap closer. Paired with the crowd control chain, the two can shut down any target. If you’re behind, instead, you can the ultimate defensively to prevent enemies from killing Kalista and give her enough space to kite.
Blitzcrank – One of the best hook supports with Kalista
Blitzcrank is similar to Nautilus in terms of the amount of crowd control, but instead of going in, Blitzcrank is the one that pulls the enemies toward him. In most scenarios, Blitzcrank’s hook is better since it’s the enemy that is put into a dangerous position.
Aside from that, however, Blitzcrank and Nautilus function in a very similar way. You’re always looking to win the early 2v2 trades with Kalista and make sure that she can snowball. This lane, though, is highly reliant on Blitzcrank’s hooking ability and the duo’s ability to concatenate the crowd controls.
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Lissandra – the atypical support pick
If you have been watching Worlds 2023, you probably know that Lissandra has been played as support alongside Kalista. While this is usually a niche counter pick into Rakan to prevent him from hard-engaging, Lissandra also has great value for her crowd controls in other matchups, especially against champions with hooks or who want to go in.
She can apply lots of slows and poke with her Q and root enemies with W. If she is in danger, she can always get out by using her E. And if those aren’t enough, she can use the ultimate to either lock down an enemy or save herself from death. Thanks to Kalista’s binding, she can be repositioned with the ADC’s ultimate both defensively and offensively, according to the situation.
Even though she might not be as effective later in the game, it’s a great combo to get early leads and spike in the mid game. You will need lots of coordination though, so try to play this only if you trust each other and can possibly communicate over voice chat to draw out the maximum potential.
Renata Glasc – the meta counter
If you’re looking for the perfect meta counter, Renata Glasc is a great one for Kalista. There are a couple of reasons why this is the case so let’s go over them one by one.
The first one is that the champion is one of the few enchanter supports that hasn’t been touched or nerfed during the season, making her one of the few viable choices. Additionally, Renata Glasc shares great synergy with Kalista for her ability to save her with her W, Bailout, in key 2v2 skirmishes. In most scenarios, the additional time Kalista lives with Renata’s W will allow her to cast her spears, get a kill, and bailout, winning the trade and getting the lead. This also happens during the teamfights.
Last but not least, Kalista can reposition Renata freely during the fight, allowing her to get into better positions to cast her ultimate and hit as many enemies as possible. With so many hard engage champions, Renata can destroy entire enemy teams with the press of a button.
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