If you’re a fan of Pokemon Go, you’ve probably wondered how to get your hands on Darkrai! Darkrai is a fan favorite Pokémon from Generation 4. This Pokemon had its own storyline in the main line games, however Darkrai Pokemon GO Raids are the way of running into this legendary Pokémon.
Credit: Pokemon
Darkrai Pokemon GO Raid Guide
When Darkrai is in raids, it is a 5* Raid. This means the recommended player count is 5 or higher. It has roughly 15,000 HP and when caught ranges anywhere between low 2000 to roughly 2600 CP. That means battling this Pokemon is not without its dangers!
As a mono Dark-type, Darkrai is weak to Fighting, Bug and Fairy-type attacks.
It resists Ghost, Dark and Psychic-type attacks.
For attackers, we recommend Pokemon such as Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Mawile and Hariyama for their coverage and resistances to Dark type attacks.
Darkrai move pool
Darkrai can learn a total of 2 Quick Moves and 3 Main moves. It also has access to a 4th move via an Elite TM. Due to Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB), Dark Type moves will do 20% more damage. These moves in italics have STAB.
Quick Moves
TypeMove NameDamageEPSDPS
DarkFeint Attack101013.3
Main Moves
TypeMove NameDamageEPSDPS
DarkDark Pulse80-16.732
GhostShadow Ball100-16.733.3
FightingFocus Blast140-28.640
PoisonSludge Bomb80-21.734.8
Darkrai best build
Fighting with a Pokemon like Darkrai is easier said than done. But with just a couple of tips, it really could be the best Pokemon in your party.
Snarl has marginally less DPS than Feint Attack, but both are Dark type, so both get STAB.
Snarl builds charge moves faster, letting you launch Main moves faster.
Despite STAB on Dark Pulse, its effective power is 96, with the same EPS as Shadow Ball.
To cut a long story short, this means that Snarl + Shadow Ball is the best Darkrai Pokemon GO build.
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