Brawlhalla is always moving forward, with new champions and features added regularly. Each season also comes with a chance to unlock some cosmetics too, and we’ve just got a brand new one. The Brawlhalla Apocalypse Battle Pass is launching in-game now! What exactly is available in the pass though and how has Brawlhalla changed this season?

Brawlhalla Apocalypse Battle Pass

After some brief downtime, Blue Mammoth Games have added the latest pass to the game. This one comes after a few weeks of reveals, with different Brawlhalla creators showing off elements of the new pass. There’s quite a lot to get through here. There are skins themed around the idea of the Apocalypse. We’ve got four horsemen as unique skins, along with some really creative emotes and other items. These could be competitors for the rarest Brawlhalla cosmetics in terms of being fun designs.

There are a few changes to how the pass works with this new version. While we’re still getting a paid and normal version of the pass, there’s an added extra premium tier now. Brawlhalla now has a Deluxe Pass option. This has cosmetics only available on this track, plus it’ll unlock the first 25 tiers automatically. It’s a fun extra level for those who want more out of the Brawlhalla Apocalypse Battle Pass.

There are 85 total tiers across the new pass. These are some of the new items you can unlock in the pass.


Merciful Weapon Set
Deathly Presence Munin
Ashen Warmonger Roland
Famished Beast Barraza
Relentless Pest Reno
Animated Sidekick
Wu Shang Progression Skin
The Truth Progression Podium
War Horse Sidekick
Fallout KO Effect
Molten Terror Sidekick

Other Changes in Season 9

That’s what is fresh in the new Battle Pass, but there are plenty more changes and features added in the new update. We’re also getting fresh weekly missions, which will help you get through the Brawlhalla Apocalypse Battle Pass. A new game mode in Crumbling Chasm Clash, and other features. As we’re moving into a new round of Brawlhalla tournaments soon, this new content will keep things fresh.