Find out which are the best champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch with our LoL support tier list.
Image Credit: Riot Games
Support Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.4
The support role in League of Legends has gained incredible importance over the past few years. Having a great game sense and strong mechanics can allow you to make a huge difference in the early-mid game presence, giving your team a greater advantage to take the victory.
That said, it can be hard to 1v9 games considering the lower damage output and how you’re always bound to rely on someone else to carry the game for you. If you’re having difficulties trying to find the best picks possible, we got you covered: here is our support tier list for Patch 14.4.
Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:
Best Top laners of the patch
Best Junglers of the patch
Best Mid laners of the patch
Best ADCs of the patch
These are the best Supports for Patch 14.4
5. Rakan – The versatile support
Rakan is one of those evergreen champions that can always be picked, regardless of the meta and team composition. His kit is extremely versatile and he can be used both to engage and disengage. Additionally, he has greater mobility compared to most supports, which allows him to roam more often and make more plays on the map.
4. Pyke – the new AP pick
Speaking of roams, there is hardly anyone as good as Pyke when it comes to this department. The AD assassin support is extremely slippery, quickly moving across the entire map to help his team build leads.
Having said that, the champion is hard to master and falls off quite heavily, especially against front-to-back team compositions where finding the pick can be more troublesome. Pick it in specific matchups where you can consistently punish single targets.
Image Credit: Riot Games
3. Blitzcrank – hook after hook
Did anyone mention pick potential? Then Blitzcrank must be definitely at the top of that list. Most of the meta supports are squishy, and a lot of champions are relatively immobile, making Blitzcrank an ideal champion to play. As long as you can land hooks during the game, the enemies will have trouble surviving the fire focus. Just make sure your skill shots are on point, or your team will hate you for it.
2. Janna – the ultimate peeling support
If you don’t like playing engage supports, then Janna is the right pick for you in this patch. Her shields and crowd controls are perfect to counter hard engages and protect her carries. Against the right team compositions, she can be extremely annoying to play against, and she has one of the most powerful disengage tools in the game with the ultimate: a well-timed one can turn an entire teamfight in your favor.
Image Credit: Riot Games
1. Maokai – still busted
Despite some of the nerfs and Riot’s attempt to push him away from the support role, Maokai continues to be the no. 1 support in the current meta. His easy engage potential and ability to play the map with his saplings make him stand out from the rest and as long as there is a good ADC who can follow up on his plays, you will have success playing this pick.
Make sure to abuse him as much as possible before he gets nerfed into oblivion (wondering whether and when that will happen).
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