If you don’t know which supports you should be playing with Caitlyn, here is a list of the best champions to pair up with her in season 13.
5 Best supports to play with Caitlyn in LoL
Ever since she made it to League, Caitlyn has been one of the most popular marksmen in the game. Whenever she was a strong champion, you would see both professional and casual players play her. There were occasions when she became so oppressive that Riot had to nerf her into oblivion.
After the recent buffs last season, she’s now a stable presence across all levels of play once again. Given the importance of having strong early-game bot lanes to create pressure on the map, it looks like she won’t be leaving the meta any time soon. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of the best 5 supports to play Caitlyn, explaining their core strengths (and weaknesses).
Morgana – the no. 1 support for Caitlyn
Morgana is the best support for Caitlyn, period. This is because two can create great combos thanks to Morgana’s Dark Binding (Q) and Caitlyn’s traps. On top of that, Morgana is one of the few supports that can peel and protect her ADC with her Dark Shield (E).
The two champions form an oppressive poke lane that one-shots enemies if they get hit by any of the aforementioned crowd controls. At level six, the bot lane duo gets even stronger since Morgana gets access to her own ultimate, Soul Shacklers (R). With the added slow and root, Caitlyn has enough time to do what she wants, and even if the enemy gets away, the ADC can snipe him with her own ultimate.
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Lux – the strongest one-shot bot lane duo
Lux is very similar to Morgana in terms of how the bot lane duo works. The main difference, though, lies in Lux’s burst damage. The Demacian mage has a lot more damage and more range compared to Morgana, making this bot lane the most aggressive one in the entire game.
Treat this duo as a double glass cannon: they can destroy anything in their sight with one rotation of spells. As long as Lux hits her Light Binding (Q), the opponents will be looking at the grey screen.
The trade-off for playing this duo, though, is the loss of peeling ability. Caitlyn and Lux are much more vulnerable to enemy ganks or engages due to the lack of mobility, and while Lux does have a shield on her W, it’s not enough to protect her and the ADC.
Senna – the double ranged support for bot lane
Senna and Caitlyn are one of the most annoying bot lane to play against, considering the high range they have on both auto attacks and abilities. By playing them in tandem, you’re further increasing Caitlyn’s ability to bully out the enemy laner.
Having two ranged champions allows you to freely play and mess around with the minion wave since the enemies won’t likely be able to answer you (unless they are playing double ranged as well). Moreover, Senna and Caitlyn can easily combo up their abilities, chaining Caitlyn’s traps with Senna’s W. And once they are low enough, both Senna and Caitlyn can snipe the enemy down with their own ultimates.
Having said that, this bot lane is highly vulnerable to ganks, given the low mobility on both champions. Don’t overextend if you don’t have proper vision control or you will be spam ganked the entire game.
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Karma – one of the best supports with Caitlyn for lane priority
You probably have understood the trend here at this point: Caitlyn works best with ranged supports. Karma is yet another champion that offers good poke. What differentiates her from other champions in the list, though, is her ability to peel her ally.
She is probably the best champion when it comes to protecting: she has shields that can also give a good boost of movement speed to quickly draw distance from enemies.
Aside from that, Karma offers a good mid-range poke with her Qs and the ability to constantly pressure during the laning phase with her wave-clearing ability. While it’s not as easy to get kills with this bot lane duo, make sure to siege and get turret plates to farm the gold.
Milio – The best peeling support for Caitlyn
The last support we recommend to play alongside Caitlyn is one of the new additions to the League of Legends roster, Milio. He not only can provide shields and heals to protect and peel Caitlyn but he can also further increase her attack range with his W, Cozy Campfire, allowing her to deal damage from afar and be untouchable in the meanwhile.
However, the laning phase is not exceptional since Milio doesn’t provide much damage or harassing abilities to enhance Caitlyn’s nature as a bully laner. The flow of the early game is mostly decided by Caitlyn’s ability to poke enemies while farming: Milio is there to make sure she doesn’t get easily punished.
Once you get to the mid and late-game, though, that’s when this bot lane duo really starts to shine. With the additional attack range from Milio’s W, Caitlyn will be able to freely siege turrets without worrying too much about getting caught. And if an enemy tries to jump on her, the Ixtal support will be ready to protect her from dying. If you like playing enchanter supports, then Milio is definitely one worth playing alongside Caitlyn.
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