If you’re wondering which supports synergize best with Samira, here are the five top champions you should be playing with her this season.

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The best supports to play with Samira in LoL

Samira was a refreshing addition to League of Legends. While she’s considered a marksman, her nature and playstyle are more similar to what an assassin or a bruiser champion does: she wants to go in and wreak havoc with her Inferno Trigger in the middle of the fights.

This distinctive characteristic is what differentiates her from the rest of the marksmen roster. That said, it also became quite difficult to balance her since she’s more of a situational pick that excels against specific team compositions or situations.

On top of that, Samira needs to play with specific supports, which are able to set her up for success with their own kit. She might not shine at all times, but when she does, nobody can hold a torch to her.

If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with Samira, we have compiled a list of the best supports that work with her this season. We will be also explaining the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos, so you know exactly what to do and what to expect.

Nautilus – the no. 1 support for Samira

Samira and Nautilus are famously known as the strongest duo there is: if you have the chance, try to always play them together.

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The best thing about Samira-Nautilus is the synergy between the two kits. Nautilus has lots of knock-ups, which Samira can prolong with her own passive. Moreover, Samira is a champion that wants to fight in close combat, and Nautilus is one of the best engage supports in the entire game. Thanks to his ultimate, he’s basically guaranteed to crowd control someone to death.

The two only suffer a bit from Samira’s lack of damage early on. Make sure to find the right opportunities and, possibly, Samira’s item spikes to start the show. As long as you two are on the same page, you will smash most of the enemy bot lanes.

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Rell – The Nautilus alternative

There are times when Nautilus will be banned or picked by the enemy team, leaving you without Samira’s best partner. In that case, we recommend the best alternative: Rell.

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Similar to Nautilus, Rell offers a knockup with her W, which can be proc’d on two instances. On top of that, Rell also has a small AoE stun with her E.

While her engage might not be as reliable or consistent as the other support, Rell has arguably a better engage combo with Samira. The latter can follow up on Rell’s Magnet Storm (R) which pulls in all the targets toward her, allowing Samira to fully cast Inferno Trigger (R) onto those targets.

That said, finding these combos requires an insane level of coordination and good trust among each other. Make sure to get a good grasp of the two champions’ limits before jumping into solo queue.

Leona – One of the best diving supports

Continuing the list of engage supports, we have Leona. The great thing about her is the ability to initiate fights and engages further away thanks to her ultimate. She also applies a long crowd control chain on single targets if she’s able to concatenate her R with her E-Q combo.

Thanks to her W, Leona is also a bit tankier compared to the aforementioned options. This can be a game-changer later in the game as she will be able to survive a lot longer and possibly apply multiple stuns. And even though she has no knock-ups, she buys enough time for Samira to jump in and decimate the enemies with her combos.

If the enemies have champions with lots of range on attacks and abilities, though, try to avoid playing this duo or you will be consistently pressured and have no way to fight back.

Read more: Best supports to play with Vayne in LoL

Pyke – the assassin duo

If you’re looking for a more aggressive bot lane duo, then we recommend Pyke as a good partner with Samira. His assassin nature rewards aggressive and proactive plays, making it the perfect champion for those who want to get a good snowball.

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Pyke also has a good amount of crowd control, given his knock-up/slow on his Q and stun from his E. That said, the best thing about playing Samira and Pyke in tandem is their ultimate combo: Samira shreds targets with her Inferno Trigger, and Pyke gets the ultimate reset with his Death from Below (R), allowing Samira to get some sweet gold.

It’s a bit tough to pull off this combo on their own, but with a good engager or crowd control from other teammates, this is a scary combo that can turn the tides of the game to your advantage.

Thresh – One of the most versatile supports for Samira

To round off the list we have Thresh, who is notoriously known for synergizing with most ADCs in the game. This is because  Thresh is one of the most versatile and complete champions in the game, having various tools that can be used different based on the matchup or partner. And considering he has a knockup (knockback) and crowd controls, he’s a great pick to play alongside Samira. 

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Thresh can be both the engager and disengager for Samira: he can do the former by landing hooks on targets but also slow the enemy’s aggression with his E. And if those are not enough, Thresh also has The Box (ultimate) to slow the targets and a lantern to reposition Samira if she’s too far from the fight or in a dangerous situation.

While it’s not one of the easiest bot lane duos to master, Samira and Thresh are definitely a great pairing you should consider playing, especially if other supports are picked or banned.

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