If you’re wondering which are the best ADC champions to play with Senna, here are the five best picks to pair up with her this season.
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The best ADC to play with Senna in LoL
Ezreal – The undisputed no. 1 for Senna
Senna has the great advantage of abusing the enemy bot lane with her range so it’s logical to see her syngergize well with Ezreal.
Both champions can fire spells and auto attacks from a distance, increasing their chances of getting lane priority and dictating the flow of the laning phase. Moreover, Ezreal is one of the safest ADCs in the game, making it easy for Senna to peel him. The two champions scale well into the later stages of the game too, making Ezreal a primary choice to play alongside Senna.
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That being said, Senna can be vulnerable to ganks since Ezreal only has self peeling abilities and no crowd controls. Don’t play too aggressively or you will be susceptible to ganks.
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Kai’Sa – late-game carry potential
Kai’Sa has been nerfed quite a few items recently but she still remains strong when played alongside Senna. The support gives Kai’Sa extra sustain to survive her weakest laning phase, and by slowly scaling to the later stages, this bot lane duo becomes an insane menace for all teamfights.
The ADC can either go poke and burst, allowing her to adjust based on the team composition. Similarly, Senna can have a more damage-oriented or peeling playstyle, giving flexible options.
That said, this bot lane duo is really weak early on: don’t expect to be able to find big leads in 2v2 skirmishes.
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Ashe – it’s all about the slows
Ashe and Senna can abuse each other’s slow effects to get advantageous trades during the laning phase. While they don’t have exceptional burst damage, they make it up with decent 2v2 potential.
Once the bot lane duo engages in a skirmish, it will be almost impossible for the enemies to escape. Additionally, both champions have global ultimates that can be chained one after another for incredible outplays. This bot lane duo, however, requires greater coordination, making it harder to master.
Caitlyn – the oppressive bot lane duo
With other ADCs getting nerfed, Caitlyn is rising back up again among marksmen. And she is one of the best adc to play with Senna in this meta.
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This is because Caitlyn now has a new lethality-based build that focuses on poke and burst damage over DPS. When played with Senna, the two make up for an oppressive bully lane that can harass and pressure throughout the entire laning phase.
Both are fairly immobile, however, so be aware of the enemy jungler and don’t get punished too often. If you fall behind, it will almost impossible to come back.
Jhin – the Caitlyn alternative
If you don’t like playing Caitlyn and are looking for a strong alternative, you might consider Jhin. The Virtuoso doesn’t offer the same level of poke as Caitlyn but he has a few extra tools to protect himself and have a safer laning phase.
Senna is still able to exert pressure with the double ranged combo but you want to play more smartly and build up leads by aiming for shorter trades. As long as you’re able to consistently nail the laning phase, you will find strong success.
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