If you’re struggling to play against Aurelion Sol, here are the five best counters to destroy him in-game.
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5 Best Aurelion Sol Counters
Aurelion Sol is one of the most powerful scaling mages in the game. He has great damage output and lots of utility in his kit. With its latest rework, Aurelion Sol can carry games if given the chance to get to his item spikes.
Thanks to the new W, he can easily perform quick roams across the map to get kills and help his teammates. That said, the champion is a lot weaker compared to other mid laners in the early game, making him easily punishable. If you happen to go against Aurelion Sol, here are the five best counters you should play this season.
Fizz – Too mobile for you
Aurelion Sol suffers a lot against extremely mobile champions. One of them is Fizz, who recently got some important buffs that have made him even more oppressive to face.
Fizz can dodge most of Aurelion Sol’s damage with his E while also allowing him to close the gap to land his combos. Paired with his Q, Fizz has multiple ways to jump on Aurelion Sol and land trades.
During the laning phase, Aurelion Sol will only be looking to clear waves from a distance. Whenever he stands still to cast his Q, try to dash toward him with a Q-E (or E-Q) combo.
The first kill potential is as soon as Fizz hits level six. If he’s able to land a long-range Chum the Waters, you can 100-0 the enemy Aurelion Sol. Try to bait his W if possible so he has no chance to dodge it.
Getting ahead is key in this matchup. Don’t let Aurelion Sol freely scale or he will be a pain to deal with later.
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Tristana – Aurelion Sol’s worst counter
Tristana counters Aurelion Sol the most because she can punish him whenever he tries to walk up and farm. By quickly using her E-W-Q combo, Tristana can chunk him down at all times during the laning phase.
She can immediately punish him as soon as they hit level two, using W-E. Moreover, Tristana has the passive that allows her to get lane priority at all times, making it impossible for Aurelion Sol to contest the push. If the enemy plays extremely passively, Tristana will have priority and free agency to move and roam for any skirmishes that are happening on the other sides of the map.
Even if you don’t pick up kills against Aurelion Sol, make sure he doesn’t freely farm and harass him constantly during the laning phase. Sending him to the base is still worth it since Tristana can quickly pick up turret plates with her attack speed and E.
Zed – The typical assassin vs mage matchup
Just like Fizz, Zed is another champion who has lots of gap-close tools and the ability to quickly get onto Aurelion Sol’s face. On top of that, he has enough damage to burst down the enemy as long as he can hit a few abilities. To put it simply, he’s one of the best Aurelion Sol counters.
During the laning phase, however, be careful to play too aggressively since Aurelion Sol can use his Q to quickly deplete your health bar, especially if you walk up to farm minions. Ideally, you want to safely farm with your shurikens and harass Aurelion Sol with the shadows.
Once you get to level six, that’s when Zed starts to have strong kill potential. You can all-in if the enemy is not that healthy, and with the help of your summoners spells, it should be easy to take him down.
If you struggle to find ways to punish him, try to roam around the map first and snowball elsewhere. Be aware, though, that Aurelion Sol is much faster than other mid lane champions to follow your movements: don’t overstay or you’ll risk giving too many kills.
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Neeko – An underrated but effective counter
Neeko has been performing strongly across all ranks but his new kit following the mid-scope update does a great job at countering Aurelion Sol as well. This is because she can abuse Aurelion Sol’s lack of mobility to land consistent poke in the early game and kill him once he’s low enough with the help of the ultimate.
Take advantage of the passive by transforming into a minion and look to hit Q-E combos. As long as you’re able to root him, you can quickly drop Aurelion Sol’s health bar.
Once you get to level six, go for an all-in and punish him. You never want to let Aurelion Sol get time to farm up, or he will be a problem for you later on. Abuse him in lane and create the biggest gold and experience gap possible.
Katarina – Killing you in the blink of an eye
Katarina is yet another assassin champion who can destroy Aurelion Sol in the laning phase. More so than the others in this list, she has the best gap closer since it’s instant and it can be tough for the enemy to even predict it.
That said, Katarina is a tricky champion to master and she requires a lot more mechanical proficiency. Don’t first pick this in ranked games and make sure to learn her well before jumping in Summoner’s Rift.
During the laning phase, poke using your Q, and if Aurelion Sol gets close to the dagger, dash instantly in to deal some damage and build a health lead. Aurelion Sol cannot stay in the lane if he falls below 50% health, or he will enter Katarina’s lethal range.
If you’re able to get a lead, look to snowball as much as possible, and don’t let Aurelion Sol get to his item spikes. You want to ideally close out the game before he reaches 4 items, or even Katarina won’t be able to stop him.
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