If you’re struggling to deal with Sett up in the top lane, here are the five best counters to dominate him in and outside of the lane.
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5 Best Sett Counters
Sett is one of the easier top lane champions to play in League of Legends. He has a user-friendly kit and offers bruiser-like damage output despite being mainly a front-line tank. Thanks to his crowd control and abilities, he does a wonderful job at neutralizing enemy engage and peeling for his allies.
Additionally, he is not that easy to punish during the laning phase due to the higher health regeneration and the possibility to negate a lot of burst damage with his shield. That being said, there are some tough matchups for him which make even the best Sett players suffer. Here are the five best counters to beat Sett this season.
Olaf – The battle between giants
Just like Sett, Olaf becomes stronger the lower health he has. Thanks to the additional attack speed and lifesteal, he can prevail over Sett in extended skirmishes.
On top of that, Sett is relatively immobile and Olaf can easily chase him by hitting Qs and slowing him down.
The only tricky part of this matchup is Sett’s W. If he’s able to charge up a lot of grit, he might be able to explode Olaf with that one ability. This means that Olaf must be able to dodge it, or at least dodge the true damage portion of it as much as possible.
During the laning phase, poke Sett with Q and use your E on him whenever he walks up to fight minions.
Fight him whenever you have Ghost or Flash ready. It’s important to have the additional movement speed so you are able to dodge his W.
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Kayle – Weak lane but outscaling hard
Sett spikes particularly well in the mid game once he gets a few items but early on he isn’t able to beat his opponents unless they want to actively fight him. As a result, Kayle is a great choice since she can farm safely and scale to the later stages without having much threat coming from Sett.
Of course, you have to respect him in the laning phase so don’t walk up too much and last hit minions with E. Whenever he tries to walk up, use Q’s slow or W’s extra movement speed to quickly reposition yourself. Don’t get hit by his combos or you’ll lose half of your health.
A common way to punish Kayle is to dive her early. Ward the nearby areas and avoid letting Sett stack minions since he is great to tank damage while diving. Aside from that, Kayle will be able to handle Sett fine and once she gets a few items, she will take over the side lane and the game.
Aatrox – One of the most unpleasing matchups for Sett
Aatrox is an underrated counter to Sett. The Darkin champion can match Sett in terms of sustain with his passive but many tools to punish Sett’s low mobility while also having the ability to easily dodge Sett’s W with his E.
Make sure to don’t go for all-ins in this matchup since Sett will prevail in most of them.
The best thing to do is farm minions and use Q1 and Q2 to hit Sett. Avoid using Q3, especially if Sett builds Grit since it will lock you in place and hand him the possibility to land the W. Always save the E to either dodge his W or use it to get away from him if he runs toward you.
Aatrox starts dealing significant damage from level 5 onwards, and once you hit level six, you will have enough damage and sustain to win the extended trades. If you manage to dodge his Haymaker, Aatrox will win this matchup.
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Renekton – One of the most underrated counters for Garen
Similar to Aatrox, Renekton has the ability to dodge Sett’s W with his own dashes. While Renekton is usually strong from the start, this is a weird matchup where Renekton doesn’t win over Sett.
Always play around his Haymaker. You need to react to his cast and instantly dodge it with the E. It doesn’t really matter which direction, as long as he doesn’t land true damage on you. If you’re fast enough, cast your own W to break his shield so you can quickly finish him off.
Another easy way to win the lane is by getting early lane prio and create a slow push. Thanks to the stacked waves, Sett won’t be able to trade aggressively since he’ll take minion aggro otherwise. Use Q if he walks up to farm.
Malphite – Want to kill me? Try if you can.
Even though Sett can knock Malphite away and neutralize his engage in the teamfights, the latter has the upper hand during the laning phase.
Not only does he have longer-range poke with his Q, but Malphite also lowers Sett’s trading power by using his E which reduces attack speed. On top of that, the passive shield Malphite gets will always give him the chance to tank a part of Sett’s damage in every trade.
The thing is that it gets even worse once Malphite builds a few armor items: he will be unkillable for Sett. Rush Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest early on to lower his sustain and farm as much as possible. Despite him not having much chance to kill you, Malphite doesn’t have much damage to kill Sett unless he messes up. In other words, it’s a neutral lane matchup but Malphite will beat Sett as the game goes on.
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