If you don’t know which supports you should be playing with Varus, here is a list of the best champions to pair up with him this season.
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The best supports to play with Varus in LoL
Varus has been a steady presence at the highest levels of play since the 2022 Worlds Championship. His main strength in the current meta lies in his strong early game and long-range poke. On top of that, he’s able to go for two different build paths: full lethality or the on-hit version. This gives great flexibility for its own team, allowing him to freely adjust depending on the team composition.
That said, Varus needs to have specific supports around him to extract the champion’s maximum potential. Since it takes time to test out everything, we have already compiled a full list of champions that are guaranteed to work with Varus. We’re also going to explain why and how they are strong with him, so get ready for some analysis!
Lulu – the no. 1 support for Varus
If Varus is going with the on-hit build, then Lulu is going to be the best support to play alongside him. She offers a great attack speed steroid and can shield him permanently. On top of that, she has the annoying polymorph to negate any potential engage or threat coming from the opposing team.
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In case it’s not enough, Lulu can even use her ultimate Wild Growth (R) to make Varus tankier while also knocking up surrounding enemies. All of these abilities allow Varus to auto-attack freely all the time, greatly increasing his DPS. For this reason, Lulu is the no. 1 support to play alongside Varus (the on-hit version).
Milio – the Lulu alternative
Milio is the champion that can get as close to Lulu in the support role. On paper, the Ixtal champion does a better job at empowering the on-hit version of Varus since he can increase the ADC’s auto-attack range while granting the same shields Lulu gives during skirmishes.
But the best thing about Milio is his ability to cleanse enemies’ crowd control and grant a heal with his own ultimate. Having this trump card allows Varus to run different summoner spells without having to necessarily go for Cleanse himself.
That said, both champions are relatively immobile and can be punished early on. Don’t overextend or you might end up with a grey screen far too often.
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Thresh – The best engage support
Thresh is currently one of the best supports to play with Varus following the buffs he received at the start of the season which made him a lot stronger than anticipated.
The support champion boasts one of the most versatile kits in the game: he can engage, disengage, hook, and reposition his allies thanks to the lantern. Thresh does a bit of everything, which is why he also works with Varus.
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Thresh and Varus can help each other out in locking single targets. Whether it’s through Varus’ ultimate or Thresh’s hook, they can always follow up with the remaining spells. Typically, Varus goes for the lethality build with Thresh in order to get good burst damage output with the arrows and the passive.
That being said, this bot lane duo is extremely hard to play together and it requires a high amount of trust and coordination: make sure to get accustomed to it before jumping into solo queue games.
Lux – it’s all about the one-shot combo
Lux and Varus form the most damage-driven bot lane duo. The two together offer uncontestable long-range poke, and the ability to one-tap enemies whenever a crowd control is hit (Varus ultimate or Lux’s Q).
This duo has multiple ways to harass the enemy bot lane during the laning phase and force them into unfavorable positions: Varus and Lux are extremely annoying to play against, as getting a good amount of farm seems impossible.
Just like with Caitlyn, though, the two become vulnerable to enemy ganks, so make sure to get enough vision control and back off as soon as you see enemies walking toward the bottom lane. If you’re not able to get ahead, then the game will become very tough to play.
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Janna – providing strong peeling
If Milio and Lulu do not fit the team composition, but you still need a strong peeling support that can also offer disengage tools, look no further than Janna.
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With all the other enchanter supports getting nerfed in recent patches, she has risen up as the strongest and most versatile support.
When played alongside Varus, Janna’s job is to protect his carry and prevent the enemies from jumping on him. These two are best played in kite back team compositions with Varus going on-hit but you can also play Varus with his poke build if necessary.
Braum – one of the best off-meta supports to play with Varus
Braum continues to be an underpowered pick, but he’s one of the options to play alongside Varus. Thanks to his passive and Varus’ crowd controls, the two can easily apply long CC chains on multiple targets.
Moreover, Braum is one of the best at protecting his own carries since he can jump close to Varus and tank projectiles and damage for him.
The main downside of this bot lane duo is the lack of lane pressure and relatively poor wave clearing speed. There are some matchups that both struggle against (like playing against Draven or Caitlyn) so don’t blind pick them.
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