On T-side Mirage, knowing your CS2 smoke lineups will help you enormously when it comes to winning matches. Learning util like this is one of the fastest ways to get better at CS2, and be a big help to your team.
With Mirage remaining one of the most popular maps in CS2, it’s crucial that you stay ahead of the curve to get the best of your opposition. We’ve put together a great CS2 Mirage smokes guide, so you’re always able to execute across the entire map on the T-side.
CS2 Mirage A smokes
Let’s start at A-site. Because of how open the site is, with multiple lines of sight outside looking in, there are a few places we need to smoke here. These are:
Mirage Stairs smoke
Mirage Jungle smoke
Mirage CT/ Ticket smoke
With just three smokes, you cover the majority of those sight lines, leaving anyone outside stranded.
These CS2 smokes are thrown from different positions, so you’ll need to coordinate with your teammates. If done right, it should look like this:
Credit: Daniel Morris
Mirage Stairs smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click throw
The CS2 Mirage stairs smoke is one of the most important that you can learn, but it’s easy to do consistently.
As you emerge from T-spawn, jump on the first platform you see and line up on the very edge, as pictured below. Then, aim up into the left side of the scaffolding, placing your crosshair into the sky in the position shown.
Credit: Daniel Morris
Credit: Daniel Morris
After this, it’s a left-click throw. Make sure your crosshair is aimed as central as possible, as it’s possible to miss this. Ultimately, the CS2 Mirage Stairs smoke should be one of the first ones you learn, as it’s essential for anyone who frequently plays the map.
Mirage Jungle smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click throw
Compliment the CS2 Mirage Stairs smoke with the Jungle smoke. Like the previous lineup, the Mirage Jungle smoke is a left-click throw. As you approach the A-site, jump onto the scaffolding area and walk around the corner. Continue until you’re near the end of the elevated platform, and look left to see the position you must stand, which is pictured below.
Then, turn around and look into the air. Aim centrally between the two posts sticking up, then adjust slightly to the right. If you throw this too far left, it won’t cover all of Jungle, leaving you exposed.
Credit: Daniel Morris
Credit: Daniel Morris
Mirage CT / Ticket smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click jump throw
The final smoke lineup you need to execute onto A is the CT / Ticket smoke. There are a few ways to do this, but many don’t cover much of the box next to Ticket. This one is extensive but, again, difficult to execute.
After turning right from T-spawn towards A, look right again for the door pictured below. Center yourself directly in the middle to prepare for this one. Then, aim in the bottom-left corner of the pillar in the sky. For this throw, accidentally aiming slightly further left will give you better results than aiming further right.
Credit: Daniel Morris
Credit: Daniel Morris
This particular CS2 Mirage smoke is a left-click jump throw. If you’re struggling, make sure you set up your CS2 jump throw binds! With these three CS2 Mirage smokes in your arsenal, you’re always ready to take A-site.
CS2 Mirage B smokes
Moving on from A, let’s take a look at some of the CS2 Mirage smokes that you can throw to take the B-site. The crucial ones you must know are:
Mirage Market Door smoke
Mirage Market Window smoke
Mirage Short smoke
Again, it takes just three smokes on Mirage to take the B-site as safely as possible in CS2. Here’s how to do them, all from one spot in this corner just before Apartments:
Credit: Daniel Morris
Mirage Market Door smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click jump throw
The Market Door smoke is a left-click jump throw. When in position, aim in the right corner and throw, as shown here:
Credit: Daniel Morris
This should smoke off the Market Door to slow any rotations, and should be paired with…
Mirage Market Window smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click jump throw
The CS2 Mirage Window smoke is extremely powerful. It is thrown from the same place as the previous smoke, instead aiming for the top corner of the tall building before left-click jump throwing.
Credit: Daniel Morris
It’s a powerful combo that makes fast rotations nearly impossible. Still, you can add one more smoke to this.
Mirage Short smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click throw
The Mirage Short smoke is thrown from just outside B. This time, it’s an easy left-click throw – no jump required. To do this, aim at the left side of the building and throw. Easy.
Credit: Daniel Morris
If done correctly, your B site should look like this, allowing you to cut off rotations quickly.
Credit: Daniel Morris
CS2 Mirage Mid smokes
Finally the Mirage Mid smokes, with just two crucial ones for T-side:
Mirage Window smoke
Mirage Top-Mid smoke
Mirage Window smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click running jump throw
Arguably the most important smoke in CS2, the Mirage Mid Window smoke is also among the most difficult. Stand to the left of T-spawn’s trash can, and aim near the image below. Now, hold D for around half a second and jump throw.
This should land right in the window, smoking it off for any CTs peeking mid.
Credit: Daniel Morris
Make no mistake – this one will take practice to master. But apply it in your games, and it’ll be a huge addition.
Mirage Top-Mid smoke
Credit: Daniel Morris
Left-click throw
Finally, the Mirage Top-Mid smoke is a left-click throw, done by standing on top of the trash can in T-spawn. Aim at the top-right corner of the right antenna (seen below) and throw.
Credit: Daniel Morris
This makes it easier to creep out into mid unseen by CTs.
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