Optimus has some requests for us loopers in the form of Fortnite loopers quests! The Transformers challenges are pretty straightforward, perhaps unlike the Fortnite Chalice challenge. Part 1 was released on June 9th with the release of Chapter 4 Season 3. Part 2 was released June 16th with the second week of challenges.
Each challenge is worth 30k XP. You’ll only need to complete a total of 10 challenges to receive the rewards, making it more than worth your time in comparison to normal weekly challenges:
Complete 5 Transformers Quests – spray
Complete 10 Transformers Quests- emoticon
They will be available until June 22nd at 9am ET. With such little time left, here is a quick rundown on how to finish them fast!
Credit: Epic Games
Part 1 – Fortnite Looper Quests in Chapter 4, Season 3
1. Acquire a Cybertron Cannon in 3 Different Matches
This one is easy as Fortnite loopers quests go – they are scattered around the Island in floor loot and in the chest pool. They also turn into backpacks when not in use!
2 shots
DPS 110
30s cool down per shot.
2. Collect the first Transformers Token
We would advise taking this one slow. To collect all tokens in one go, grab one of the Pickups with Chonkers already positioned near the first token. The challenge automatically becomes available when you enter a vehicle. Keep an eye on the location of the next token, taking the turns slowly you’ll be able to collect all 13 in no time. The trail leads you from the Winter to the Jungle biome and right into one of the explorer challenges.
3. Damage Opponents (500) with the Kinetic Boomerang
This one was actually really fun to do. Fans are obsessed with the boomerang right now and for good reason. It can hit with a range of 60 to 120, depending on if it hits the target on the initial shot or on its return as well.
Damage = 60
Build damage = 100
Throws 2
Recharge 20 seconds
Recall early to explode it!
4. Emote after destroying a gas can or pump
You can either do this the quick and easy way or you can explode the whole dirt bike garage. Either way works!
Credit: Epic Games
5. Travel Distance in vehicles or while mounted
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
Stage 1 is 1k
Stage 2 is 2k
Stage 3 is 4k.
Part 2 – Farm XP for Rewards
1. Deal 200 damage to opponents while in a vehicle or mounted
Another easy one to get started with! You can use any of the Fortnite weapons for this one. You can even run them over with the vehicles or knock them out with a boar!
2. Destroy objects with explosives
Any explosives will work. If you haven’t done the gas pump/tank challenge yet, this would be a 2 for 1 challenge to farm Fortnite looper quest rewards. You can also use the rockets on the boats to finish it quickly.
Stage 1 is 50 objects
Stage 2 is 100 objects
Stage 3 is 200 objects
Credit: Epic Games
3. Drive a vehicle 20 seconds after landing
This Fortnite looper quest isn’t as difficult as it first seems. Simply drop at Slappy Shores, there are multiple vehicles spread throughout. Remember that motorcycles and boats count too.
4. Drive 3 different vehicles in a single match
Slappy Shores has 3 right inside the warehouse, it’s not specific to different “types” either. You can do 2 motorcycles as well.
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