Fortnite has long been one of the most successful games in the industry. It has built an entire ecosystem with player numbers that any developer would be jealous of. The FN player record reflects that, but it just keeps getting broken. Over the last few months, it seems like Fortnite is breaking its player numbers record every week.
Why is Fortnite exploding so much lately? What’s interesting about these recent records is that while close together, it has been driven by entirely different games. It seems anything Fortnite does just seems to be popular right now, especially when the amount of content being released is aa endless as it currently seems. How many people are playing Fortnite now and why is the record being broken so regularly?
Fortnite Player Record Broken Once Again
Source: Epic Games
In terms of raw player count, Fortnite has always been popular. Lately, though, it has been on another level.
Quite recently, Epic brought back the Chapter 1 build of the game. Nostalgia was exciting it seems, as Fortnite OG broke the player record. It was the most people online concurrently since Epic started giving out those figures. At the end of Fortnite OG an in-game event was held, where we once again saw records getting smashed! The FN player record was broken by OG, but do we have to wait for the 2024 comeback before we see them that high again?
For the Fortnite Big Bang event, Epic’s servers were overwhelmed. We ended up getting encore performances so more could experience it after the game struggled to accommodate the record-breaking numbers of players. With the game moving on to Chapter 5, a lot thought things might calm down for player count. However, it hasn’t.
Instead, the FN player record has once again been broken! Epic have released three modes to Fortnite with the launch of Chapter 5, Fortnite Lego Survival, Fortnite Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival. To say these have been popular would be an understatement. They’ve driven the latest Fortnite player record.
Fortnite Lego Breaks FN Player Record Again
Logging into Fortnite over the weekend, you might have noticed some server problems. The game was utterly overwhelmed with the amount of people trying to play it. With Fortnite Lego’s release though we’ve seen a player record broken not from Battle Royale.
When you got in during the new record player count for Fortnite, the distribution was interesting. On a typical day, you’re likely to see the most players in Battle Royale, with a decent number also in Zero Builds. Then, fewer players in the Ranked Mode, with then a diminishing amount in each other Creative game mode. Essentially no matter how big the player count, it always seemed to be driven by Battle Royale. Until now.
Source: Epic Games, Lego
Logging in for the last time, the Fortnite player record was broken, Battle Royale was no longer in the lead. Instead, the newly released Fortnite Lego mode leap-frogged everything. It was the most active mode.
Beyond the Lego, things were roughly normal with equal measures in BR and ZB. However, the success of the Fortnite Lego mode here is clear. As a side mode, it pulled in enough new players to see a new height hit for the FN player record.
With Epic putting more resources in different game modes, it’ll be interesting to see how the Fortnite player count distribution changes over time. Fortnite as a platform might mean Battle Royale ends up far from the most popular game mode.
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