Fortnite Rocket Racing Ranked mode is here! Along with the Fortnite Lego Survival release and Fortnite Festival, it’s our third new game to come in Chapter 5. This one has its own set of quests to get stuck into with an important task if you want to maximise free stuff you get. You can unlock a free Fortnite Rocket Racing skin by placing the mode, but players are finding the task a bit harder than it seems! You need to get to gold in Fortnite Rocket Racing.
These types of quests don’t sound too hard. Gold isn’t really that high up in the Fortnite Ranked mode. In Battle Royale, that’s the starting point where a lot of players will tend to be placed, not some lofty goal you have to climb to. However, the game’s ranked mode definitely has some quirks. A lot of the Fortnite player base is running into problems once they hit silver. What’s the issue with Fortnite Rocket Racing gold rank and how can you get there to unlock your free skin?
Fortnite Rocket Racing Ranked Gold – How to Get There
Getting to gold in Fortnite Rocket Racing Ranked isn’t too complicated on the surface. When you jump into Ranked Mode, you’ll get a rank placement after the first race. From then, you’ll have to do more Ranked races and gradually work your way up by performing well. If you’re not very good at racing in the beginning, this could be tricky. However, with enough practice getting up there feels fairly simple, right?
Source: Epic Games
There are a few pitfalls you’ll need to watch out for. A lot of your earlier matches are up against bots. These are relatively easy to beat. The downside though is that they don’t seem to move your rank up very far. Once you get a few games under your belt you’ll start to hit real players.
Once you get to silver, things will get tougher. At the moment a lot of players are grinding for their Gold rank. This has meant Silver is a complete mishmash. Players clearly more skilled are stuck here as well as relative newcomers. How can you get to gold and unlock the free Fortnite Racing skin though?
How to Unlock the Free Fortnite Rocket Racing Skin
If you want to unlock the free Fortnite Rocket Racing skin, you’ll have to reach Gold. The only way to do this is to race! A lot of good players are stuck in silver, but the longer the mode has been out the better balanced it’ll be. Within a week of release, we expect ranks to have normalized a bit. We’ll likely see silver matches get a tad easier. How can you rise up further though?
When racing, you’ll need to focus on placement. Beating players better than you will mean you go up in rank. Only your final placement matters for the Fortnite Rocket Racing Ranked. How do you make the most of this then? One strategy players have found so far is to grind your boosts. Save this up until your meter is nearly full and rocket ahead in the final stretch. Even if you’ve been stuck in the middle of the race, a full boost bar properly executed at the end can give you a stronger finishing place.
Placing as well as you can, all that’s left to do is play the numbers game. Going up the ranks in Fortnite isn’t too difficult if you’re patient enough. If you can play through enough games, you’ll gradually head up the ranks even with mediocre finishes. To get the skin you really just need to grind enough in the time allowed.
The Rocket Racing Ranked has gotten a lot better since its release. By design, it takes payers a little while to end up in their intended ranks. You’ll have to keep playing games until you can get out of the full ranks. Once you’re past that section you’ll have an easier time reaching Gold!
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