With the LCS 2024 Spring regular split resuming this week, here are some stats about what happened so far in the NA league.
Image Credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games
LPL Spring 2024 Split – Highlighting stats
HLE taking the crown of the KDA leaderboard
Compared to other leagues, the KDA numbers in the LEC are much lower. The top player is currently Isles, sitting at a combined score of 6/18/90 and a 5.3 KDA. He’s tied with Inspired who has a score of 21/15/58. The top two are followed by CoreJJ at 5.0, and then FBI and Bvoy at 4.9.
Only one pentakill in the league
There has been only one pentakill in the LCS so far, and it comes from C9 Berserker. Unfortunately, the great moment did not end up in a victory for his team, as C9 ended up losing to 100T in their match before the break. With a losing streak on their back, will C9 fight back and manage to get back on top? It won’t be long until we find out.
Read also: Best LoL Players 2024 – Top League of Legends players this season
“Short but not so short” games
Fast games are always bound to happen in every season, but the LCS has one intriguing stat here: its slowest game (so far) lasted at least more than 26 minutes. Does it mean that the league is balanced or are teams unable to push their advantages? Given the standings, I’m more inclined to the first.
Pick K’Sante = lose game?
If you actively follow competitive, you probably know that K’Sante is now a stable presence in pro play. But despite his high pick rate across regions, the LCS is unable to take advantage of this pick: the top laner has 11 losses and only 7 wins, showing that the champion is not performing well in NA. Let’s hope teams will eventually stop picking him.
The most picked champion
Speaking of performing champions, the most picked champion is Varus, who also has an impressive 72% win rate across 18 games. The pick is a top priority in the league right now, as he’s able to offer both good laning pressure and decent scaling. Alongside Kalista, these two ADCs are contending for the crown.
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