If you’re tired of playing the same champions in LoL Arena, here are some fun duos worth trying with your partners.
Image Credit: Riot Games
LoL Arena Duos – underrated picks
Pantheon Morgana
Want to see your enemy being perma CC’d to death? Then you should go for the Pantheon-Morgana combo. The two have incredible single-target lockdown potential, especially given that Pantheon’s W is a point-and-click stun. With that, Morgana will have an easy time following up and chaining the crowd controls till the enemy is killed.
While it falls off later in the game, it’s a great duo to dominate in the early parts of a lobby. Try to focus on the same champions all the time and you should be able to witness great success.
Lillia Hecarim
If one champion doesn’t run fast, what happens if you add two of them? You get one of the most exciting duos to play in LoL Arena. Lillia and Hecarim are ready to run enemies over, quite literally. Thanks to their movement-speed-based kits, they’ll just move around the whole time, dealing consistent damage with their abilities. And given that they have different damage sources, they are quite hard to itemize against.
It may be not one of the strongest duos in LoL Arena, but you’ll definitely enjoy it in the mid-game when you dance around the opponents.
Poppy Anivia
Poppy Anivia is one of the best duos at countering hard-engaging and melee champions. The two champions come with loads of crowd controls and ways to prevent opponents from jumping on them. Poppy can help with the disengage while Anivia takes care of the damage output. A great combo can always be made with Anivia’s wall and Poppy’s E, getting a few easy stuns.
It requires a great level of spacing and coordination, though, so it’s best to play only if you are able to communicate the combos through voice.
Ornn Swain
If you love extended skirmishes and sustain, you’ll probably love this combination. Ornn and Swain are quite tanky in LoL Arena and they are able to survive most of the incoming burst damage. As long as none of you gets deleted at the start of a round, then it will be your turn to shine: the crowd controls and consistent damage both champions offer will make you win in the long game.
Zyra Yorick
LoL Arena is all about finding synergies with the champions and empowering each other’s kits. Zyra and Yorick do exactly this given that the two have a great trap combo they can use to take down both champions at once.
All Yorick has to do is find a way to use the W to trap the enemies and have Zyra quickly follow up with all her abilities to nuke down the targets. This can also be done both offensively and defensively, making this duo quite flexible and fun to play. It may not work at all times, but it will allow you to get consistent top 2 rates when played well.
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