Find out which are the best champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch with our LoL top lane tier list.
Image Credit: Riot Games
Top Lane Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.4
Top lane has been invigorated in the past two years. After being considered an island for various seasons, top lane has gained increasing importance and the new map changes make it even more difficult to punish these solo laners.
If you’re not sure what you should be playing in the top lane though, don’t worry: here are the five best champions of the Patch 14.4 top lane tier list.
Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:
Best Junglers of the patch
Best Mid Laners of the patch
Best ADCs of the patch
Best Supports of the patch
These Are The Best Top Laners for Patch 14.4
5. Trundle – I love to splitpush
Trundle has been abused by top laners as the ultimate split pushing machine. There is no champion who can take down turrets as fast as him currently, and if the champion is not heavily countered during the laning phase, he can always gain experience and gold leads by taking down turret plates. If you’re all for the 1v9 gameplay, this is the right champion for you.
Image Credit: Riot Games
4. Vayne – the new counter
While she is not played as much as other top lane picks, Vayne’s win rate is among the highest in the top lane. This is because she heavily counters melee tanks, allowing her to kite them around and slowly scale up to her item spikes. Use the range advantage to deny farm and experience during the early game, and be aware of ganks. As long as you can do these two things consistently, you will have success on her.
3. Twisted Fate – the cheesy pick
AD Twisted Fate is the new tech players have been abusing in the last weeks and apparently, he can also be played as a top laner. Similar to Vayne, he can shred through champions with his auto attacks and roam around the map with his ultimate. It requires some time to master the champion and some of the key fundamentals (such as roaming timers and positioning) but you’ll quickly realize how busted this pick can be.
2. Darius – early-game dominance
Picks come and go but Darius is still among the most popular top lane champions. Why? You may ask. Well, the answer is that a strong Darius player can win almost any matchup and he can easily dominate the mid-game teamfights if he gets the resets going.
One of the best picks to play against tanks, he also fares well against most bruisers. And given that there aren’t many highly mobile meta picks across other roles, it’s easier for Darius to get onto their face and slash them with his axe.
Image Credits: Riot Games
1. Fiora – the soloqueue queen
For me, Fiora is the top lane version of Lee Sin. What I mean by this is that the champion itself is not super OP, but a great Fiora player can become the enemy’s worst nightmare.
Getting her into a position to take over the games is not easy, but mechanical proficiency and strong game knowledge will allow you to find the slighest margins to capitalize on. Not to mention that he’s much more mobile than most top laners, granting her a much higher outplay potential. The learning curve can be steep, but it will definitely reap benefits once mastered.
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