MOUZ’s ESL Pro League Season 18 Group B run began yesterday with a matchup against MIBR. Prior to the tournament beginning, we sat down with AWPer torzsi to get his thoughts on the young lineup, as well as his reunion with Major finalist IGL siuhy!
torzsi in action. Credit: Helena Kristiansson | © ESL
Coming into ESL Pro League, what would you consider to be a success for this team at the moment?
I think our focus is just showing improvement, and also obviously making it to the Playoffs. I mean, that’s successful for us for now. So yeah, we have been focusing on a lot of things in the last couple of weeks. We had a bootcamp and we just put the focus on communication and we want to show improvements for ourselves in communication a lot. Yeah, as I mentioned, qualifying to the Playoffs would make a successful tournament for us.
Your last time out on LAN was IEM Cologne, where you managed to beat NAVI. When looking back on what to improve, do you focus more on the big wins or the losses?
We are focusing on both. I think even if you win the game, you can rewatch it, you can listen back to the voice comms and you can gain some information about it. Like, even though you won the game, it doesn’t mean you played perfectly, you never play perfect. If you play really good you can even just watch how you play, and what you put the focus on to maybe gain some information about that. Obviously, if you lose, you can just look back what did you do wrong, just analyze it, and go from there.
That’s the right way to be I think – nothing’s ever perfect! What do you think the advantages and disadvantages are of having such a youthful team?
I think a big advantage is we are really adaptive. We are really young, and we are really hungry for winning games. We have a lot of explosiveness, you know? Like fire, I would say. But at the same time, this explosiveness can go to our disadvantage. Sometimes, we can maybe sometimes rush some rounds. We don’t think it through fully. It can cause some problems, so this is why being one of the youngest teams here, we need to put a focus on playing a really calm and collected game.
torzsi has been on MOUZ’ main roster since January 2022. Credit: Adela Sznajder | © ESL
With the exception of frozen, you’ve been on MOUZ the longest. Do you help the new players settle into the squad, and if so, how?
Yes, I mean, I have been here the second longest after frozen. I helped, for example, Jimmy (Jimpphat) after he joined the team. I try to help him as much as I can. If he has some questions I will answer them, or I’ll just reach out to him if there’s anything I saw. But it’s not just me – it’s everyone. They have me, but we also have David (frozen) because we are not perfect – we are also here to learn, and to gain as much experience as we can. So, everyone has each other, and maybe somebody can help more than somebody else.
I mean, you’ve played with siuhy and xertioN in MOUZ NXT before. How does that experience playing together in the Academy Leagues help you guys in the main roster?
It helps a lot that I’ve played with them before. I’m really happy that we could have this reunion! I mean, just both of them, Dorian (xertioN) and Kamil (siuhy), they are just amazing people and amazing teammates. I really love them and it’s probably one of my best experiences to play with them again here in Tier 1. I think our history, that we’ve played before, it helps us a lot. We know each other, and we can be really open with each other. We can tell each other things, for example, what we did wrong. Like, we can be really open to each other and I think it helps us a lot, yes.
The new MOUZ. Credit: mousesports on Twitter
What’s it been like having siuhy back at MOUZ? He went to GamerLegion, came back a Major finalist. What impact has he had since coming back?
[laughs] He’s the IGL, right? He kinda changed the game style of our team a little bit because he has different views than other IGLs. We are just trying to get along with his playstyle again. It’s going pretty well I would say. We are trying to adapt. He also brings a lot of leadership – he shows he is the captain of the team, you know? I think it is needed for the team.
One final question – what’s your big hope for this MOUZ roster in 2024?
My biggest hope is that we can lift a trophy together with this lineup. It would be amazing to see every one of us just achieving their dream.
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