Digimon the Movie 02 “The Beginning” premieres in cinemas on the 8th and 9th November for Dub and Sub respectively. The new instalment to the 02 continuation of the anime features the main cast of the second season, following a time skip from the series finale.

Coinciding with the Toei Animation movie premiere, the Digimon TCG will receive promo cards for each of the main cast and their partner Digimon in rookie form. It was announced on the Official Digimon Card Game X accoun. The promos would have limited US distribution. The first 50 attendees to screenings will receive a pack. The packs will contain 3 cards from the pool of 14.

Source: Digimon TCG

This pack launches alongside Demo Deck Imperialdramon, which also features the altered artwork promo Davis, Veemon, Ukkomon and Lui. Noticeably, the Imperialdramon Dragon Mode ACE unique to the demo deck is absent from Digimon the Movie 02’s theatre pack.

Unfortunately, there’s no word on the planned release of this theatre set for territories outside the US at the time of writing . The 4 cards present in the Demo Deck, however, are the cards most likely to see widespread play. Demo Deck Imperialdramon is being given as a tie in product for those buying BT14 booster boxes.

Digimon the Movie Card Effects

Most of the new tamers shown have the On Play ability and Start of main phase. To play their partner Digimon for free from the hand. Alternatively, they allow their Digimon to evolve into the canon evolution without paying the cost. And gaining 1 memory for having a [Free] type at Start of Main Phase. As all the 02 cast are [Free] type, as are their evolutions, this criteria will be hit often. Most of the Rookies search top 3 for their respective tamer and a 2 color card.

Patamon instead, searches security. The searchers, notably, also have inherited effects to DNA Digivolve at End of Turn. We will likely receive new Champion Digimon cards where applicable alongside new DNA Digivolution Digimon, in future, to tie in with the already shown presence of Silphymon, Shakkoumon and Imperialdramon in movie trailers.