With the LPL 2024 Spring regular split past the midway point, here are some of the most exciting stats or takeaways.
Image Credit: @lplenglish
LPL Spring 2024 Split – Highlighting stats
It’s a tough battle for the top of the KDA leaderboard
While KDAs do not show the entire picture of a player or how he behaves in-game, it’s still an important metric e to look at. Surprisingly, the player at the top of the leaderboard is not an ADC but it’s TES jungler Tian. The player has been a key element to the team’s performance this split, registering a total KDA of 8.1.
The player with the second highest KDA is JDG Ruler, sitting at 7.1 (83/23/80), according to the stat site Games of Legends. There is only a third player with the KDA above 7 and that’s NIP Zhuo, with an impressive combined score of (7/32/216).
The longest game in the league so far
Recorded in the series between RNG and WBG, the two went back and forth for more than 50 minutes, clocking the end at 53:00 with WBG taking down the enemy nexus.
Read also: Best LoL Players 2024 – Top League of Legends players this season
A balanced win rate
The LPL has a fairly balanced win rate when it comes to side selection. Blue side has a little less than a 52% win rate, which is consistent with the previous year (on both splits the win rate was between 51-52%)
The most picked champion is him
It’s none other than K’Sante. Who could’ve guessed: the front line tank with bruiser-like damage and mobility. Unless Riot does something about it, he’s going to reign the pick leaderboard until the end of the split (and maybe the year).
LPL teams hate this pick
It looks like the double marksman meta brought by T1 last year is giving the LPL headaches. Ashe, one of the most known ranged supports, is the most banned champion in the league, totaling 124 bans and counting. She’s nearly 40 bans above the second-highest, Kalista.
9 champions with a 100% win rate
Even though these champions are rarely played, they have been able to maintain a perfect win rate. Kennen, Camille, Ornn, Ziggs, Leona, Syndra, Zyra, Sylas, and Sett are the nine champions still undefeated.
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