Do you need help picking which Baron Lane champion to play in Wild Rift?
Find the best champions in our Baron Lane tier list to climb the ranked leaderboard.
Wild Rift Baron Lane tier list – Best Champions on Patch 5.0
Like Top Lane in League of Legends, Baron laners often find themselves isolated early on and will only emerge as the game progresses. This is where you will see the most champion variety, with tanks, mages, and even ADC’s being picked in this lane.
The question is, which are the best champions to climb the ladder with? Don’t worry; here are the five best picks in our Wild Rift Baron Lane tier list!
Jax, Grandmaster at Arms
Credit: Riot Games
Jax is a great flex champion who can play multiple roles in Wild Rift. Arguably, his best is the Baron lane, which is why he is on this Baron Lane tier list.
Jax is an all-around solid champion who can do everything. He is a great duelist in-lane, which will attract much Jungle attention. If you wish, you can roam with Jax, as Counter-Strike blocks abilities and stuns enemy champions in range. Jax is also an S-tier split pusher, which is further helped by the item Hullbreaker, which helps you push towers quickly.
Ornn, The Fire Below the Mountain
Credit: Riot Games
Ornn is a jack-of-all-trades champion in Wild Rift.
Ornn has engage, sustainability in lane through his passive and can fight with the best bruisers in the Baron Lane. Ornn’s passive allows him to buy components and full items away from the shop in base. This is extremely useful and keeps him in the lane for much longer. The second part of his passive allows him to upgrade one item per ally, giving them bonus stats to provide extra combat strength.
Yasuo, the Unforgiven
Credit: Riot Games
Being one of the most popular champions in Wild Rift, it is still no surprise to see him amongst the best champions in the game.
Yasuo doesn’t need much to get going; once you get past his some-what weak laning phase, you will be a demon both in the team fights and the side lanes.
Try to synergize with your team in champion selection. Yasuo’s ultimate relies on either knocking them up with Last Breath or an ally champion knocking them up with their abilities.
Kayle, the Righteous
Credit: Riot Games
Like Kassadin, if Kayle reaches a certain level in the late game, players will say it is ‘GG’ simply out of fear. Kayle is the ultimate scaling champion in LoL and one of the strongest champions in the game.
As mentioned above, Kayle scales as the game progresses due to her passive. Every five levels Kayles auto attack range is increased while also doing AOE damage.
Riven, the Exile
Like Yasuo, Riven features more than once on our Wild Rift tier lists. Riven is great at applying burst damage later in the game. You do have kill pressure in lane, so perhaps take ignite and look to catch them off guard with a level three all-in. Riven has a lot of escape tools, so she should not be dying to ganks too often. Like Jax, Riven is great in the side lane.
There aren’t many champions that beat a good Riven 1v1, so look to be a bully in the side lanes and force the enemy team to send multiple players to you.
Read next: Wild Rift Dragon Lane Tier List – Best Picks for Patch 5.0
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